
sic infit

so it begins

By breathing new life into their marketing efforts, we help nonprofits tell stories that inspire people to action.
suum cuique : to each his own

You're in very capable hands

Noble work—work like yours—is what we get excited about. It’s what gets us up in the morning; it puts a proverbial pep in our step, if you will.

So, meet Novus. The motliest of crews. The dreamiest of teams. Each one of us plays a small part in giving your mission the momentum it needs.


Meet us

Tony Fraga


Teresa Kehl

Executive Vice President of Finance & Operations

Shane Kehl

Executive Vice President of Growth

Maddy Ledon

Head of Culture & Talent Development

Melanie Trice

Creative & Marketing Director

Lauren Bobeck

Director of Creative Operations

Brittany Tretbar

Head of Digital Advertising

Gabi Ambrusico

Senior Content Strategist

Jessica Taylor

Senior Design Strategist

Kenady Chisholm

Senior Marketing Technology Manager

Oscar Thipphakhinkeo

HubSpot Developer

Casey Handzlik

Senior Content Writer

Johanna deBrey

Director of Marketing Operations

Elizabeth Bartell

Senior Content Strategist

Kirby Wilson

Content Strategist

tendit in ardua virtus :
virtue strives for what is difficult

Core values



acta, non verba : deeds, not words

We may deal in stories, but we’re action-oriented in our craft and communications. At Novus, we value the art of the follow-through. Meaning—we’re measuring our impact, so you can measure yours.


bona fide : in good faith

When you partner with us, we become an extension of your team. We trust in you, and we genuinely hope to earn that in return. Relationships like these require authenticity, sincerity, and kindness, and that’s what you can expect every time we show up.


sui generis : of its own kind

We strive to make sure our work is in a class of its own. You deserve one-of-a-kind creative that highlights what’s so unique about your story and mission. As for us? We like the challenge of chasing originality—finding something new in everything we do.


ex nihilo nihil fit : nothing comes from nothing

Everything is connected. Squint hard enough, and you’ll see the barely-there thread fusing today’s success with the work we put in a month ago.

But it’s more than just putting in hard work. At Novus, we respect history—the why behind the what. So we let curiosity lead, and the insights we discover along the way help us tell stories that truly resonate.

We are a nonprofit marketing agency, with a belief that, in a market saturated with stories, it matters how you tell yours.
hodie mihi, cras tibi : today it’s me, tomorrow it will be you

Our partners do good—better

work with us


We don’t do things by the book. Our expertise lies in experiences—the many nonprofits we’ve worked with over the decades and the pivots we’ve made to get where we are. Here are just a few.

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cogito, ergo sum : i think, therefore i am

Let's be partners
in crime good

Our team is a motley crew of creatives, idealists, and changemakers—all experts in crafting stories and strategies that defy the odds.

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